Monday, August 6, 2012

Thought Process with Test Items and Essay

When dealing with students at a young age whom are still learning how to speak english as a secondary language its imperative to include various techniques that could help aide cognitive development. Pronunciation. grammar building, word association will help build their vocabulary but at the same time by using pictures and word association you are in a way forcing them to build cognitive development by having them build upon what they know by relating it to something similar. This also falls under, “What kinds of essential tasks, achievements, or other valued competencies am I missing with paper-and-pencil test (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2010 p. 190). The reason why that falls under this is because one of the test items is to present their own ending of the short story they have read. This leads to creative thinking, vocab building, builds confidence with speaking and many other areas. These types of assignments are great because you get to see areas of the student cognition that you do not see on a basic pencil test. 

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